26/07/24 ♦ starchild

a little portrait of our favourite reality-breaking voyager, Mercury, drawn fullbody for the first time. i originally planned to have init next to xyr but quite honestly the pic stands on its own, even if xe's sitting hehe

mercury is a glitzerkind nomai who entered the universe of the microcosm from her own. glitzerkinder are otherwise normal people who experience reality trauma, or events that "tear" the fabric of reality.

the scar left in the spacetime of the microcosm is shared with an extradimensional space known as "The Entropic", thought to be a very young and highly energetic universe, and acts as a nucleation site for strange crystals within that space.

these crystals grow from the Entropic forms of glitzerkinder and objects affected by reality trauma. they interact with light in the "normal" universe, but don't interact with matter; how and why is still a matter of fervent debate, especially considering that glitzerkinder are naturally more capable of entropoutilisation (think like the Objects of Power from CONTROL, how you need to link yourself to them to use their science magic)

anyway!! mercury is also a full amputee on account of frostbite from xyr traumatic entry into the microcosm. xyr ship completely lost power after the entry and xe drifted for hours in empty space... but a passing superfreighter, the Apollo, detected the fluctuations in local spacetime and came to her rescue!

after xyr recovery xe was fitted with a set of HOOTNET prosthetics. the hands took a bit of getting used to since nomai hands are arranged completely differently, but the hooves she chose were much easier to handle in the zero-g environment aboard the Apollo - they're even magnetised!

nowadays xe lives on Valtara in the Qu'bo township, nearby Nougat and Monolyth. adapting to the gravity took some time, but now xe likes long walks in nature and meditation in the fungal forests. xyr favourite season is autumn, when the glowing golden spores of the barkstalk megafungi fall like snow and the Golden Festival fills the streets of Qu'bo with excitement for the turn of the year