
💎 Nougat
💎 [You/We] [wish/want] to [ask a question/query]
🍫 Oh. Right. You can tell.
🍫 Yeah. I was reading about AOs, y'know, on the SESD portal...
💎 [CANNOT TRANSLATE]. [Yes/Proceed]
🍫 What makes 'em dangerous? Like the Keeper's Horn, or Embers?
💎 ...[Rephrase/Misunderstood], Nougat
🍫 Sorry-- I mean, like, what goes on in the Entropic that makes AOs dangerous? What sort of interactions?
💎 Aha
💎 It is [Noosphere/Overlink/CANNOT TRANSLATE/skin]
💎 [Ideas/Concepts/Memes] [exist/permeate] within it. They [coagulate/grow/crystallise] around [Archetype/CANNOT TRANSLATE/Focus]
💎 [Perilous/Dangerous] [ideas/concepts/memes] included. If [I/we] [understand/recall] correctly, [The Keeper's Horn/CANNOT TRANSLATE] [associated/related] with Ytta stageplay [Last Winter's Keeper]
💎 It is [herald/clarion/warning] of imminent [disaster/ruin]
🍫 Huh. So how's it a random instrument becomes anomalous?
💎 It is not [random/indeterminate]
🍫 Ah.
💎 [The Keeper's Horn/CANNOT TRANSLATE] is [antique/old/generational]
💎 [CANNOT TRANSLATE/The Entropic/Lesser Interstice]... how best to [explain/elaborate]
💎 Old [objects/things/forms] have more [defined/fractal] [Entropic forms/CANNOT TRANSLATE/CANNOT TRANSLATE]
💎 Ideal [growth/nucleation] sites for [CANNOT TRANSLATE/quasicrystals]
💎 [Resistance/Rejection] of [entropy/reduction/collapse] [aggravates/CANNOT TRANSLATE/accelerates] [growth/formation] through [seeding/germination/nucleation] within [Entropic form/CANNOT TRANSLATE/CANNOT TRANSLATE]
💎 [I am/We are] failing in [translating/conveying] [hyperreal//Entropic/CANNOT TRANSLATE] [concepts/mechanisms]
🍫 No, no! I think I get it.
🍫 As things get older and are prevented from breaking down, their Entropic forms get more complex, which makes it easier for funky crystals to grow and for weird stuff to start happening. Right?
💎 [Yes/Adequate]
🍫 Right, and when something has 'dangerous' thoughts around it, it changes the way the crystals grow?
💎 [Correct/Simplified mechanism]
🍫 Come on, you're giving me mixed messages here.
💎 Sorry
💎 [You/We] are [correct/factual/accurate]
💎 The [Noosphere/Overlink/CANNOT TRANSLATE/skin] acts as
💎 Ah
💎 [Membrane/CANNOT TRANSLATE/Cortex] [upon/of] [CANNOT TRANSLATE/The Entropic/Lesser Interstice]
💎 It is [gestalt]. [Influence/Action/Change] in one [necessitates/requires] [action/change] in other. [CANNOT TRANSLATE/The Entropic/Lesser Interstice] [CANNOT TRANSLATE/exerts/CANNOT TRANSLATE] upon [Supercosm/Greater Interstice]. Constant [exchange/interaction]
💎 Is this [adequate/inadequate]
🍫 Yeah, I think so... you're saying that the, uh, 'noosphere' interacts with the Entropic, and the Entropic acts upon our universe, so the 'noosphere' kinda interacts by proxy?
💎 [Yes/Approaching]
🍫 That's really neat. Surprised you don't work with the ESD, Merc.
💎 [I/We] have [interacted/exchanged]. [My/Our] [entry/injection/violation] into this [universe/body] was [notable/point of interest], as [you/we] know
💎 They [occasionally/regularly] request [my/our] presence to conduct [interviews/tests/annoyances]
💎 My [blood/ichor] is apparently [CANNOT TRANSLATE/reality hazard]. They handle it [delicately/carefully] to the point of absurdity. It is [funny/humourous]